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la mésothérapie : point théorique

10' 27''
Domaines d'expertise
1ère ligne de soin, Acte technique/Petite chirurgie
Type de vidéo
Non sponsorisée
Sources et références

1. Efficacy of mesotherapy using drugs versus normal saline solution in chronic spinal pain: a retrospective study – Ferrara, Paola E. ; Ronconi, Gianpaolo ; Viscito, Rossella ; Pascuzzo, Romina ; Rosulescu, Eugenia; Ljoka, Concetta; Maggi, Loredana ; Ferriero, Giorgio; Foti, Calogero – International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Volume 40, Number 2, June 2017, pp. 171-174(4)​

2. Mesotherapy: From Historical Notes to Scientific Evidence and Future Prospects – Massimo Mammucari 1, Enrica Maggiori 1, Domenico Russo 2, Chiara Giorgio 3, Gianpaolo Ronconi 4, Paola E Ferrara 4, Flora Canzona 5, Luciano Antonaci 1, Bartolomeo Violo 6, Renato Vellucci 7, Domenico Rocco Mediati 7, Alberto Migliore 8, Umberto Massafra 8, Barbara Bifarini 9, Fabio Gori 9, Massimo di Carlo 10, Stefano Brauneis 11, Teresa Paolucci 12, Piergiovanni Rocchi 13, Anna Cuguttu 13, Raffaele Di Marzo 13, Alessandro Bomprezzi 13, Stefania Santini 13, Manuela Giardini 13, Anna Rosa Catizzone 13, Fiammetta Troili 13, Dario Dorato 13, Alessandra Gallo 13, Costanza Guglielmo 13, Silvia Natoli – Scientific World Journal. 2020 May 1;2020:3542848. eCollection 2020.​

3. SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF MESOTHERAPY IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS WITH META-ANALYSIS – Lorenzo Faetani, MD1, Daniele Ghizzoni, MD1, Antonio Ammendolia, MD2, Cosimo Costantino , MD – Accepted Feb 26, 2021; Epub ahead of print Mar 25, 2021 – J Rehabil Med 2021; 53: jrm00182​

4. Intradermal mesotherapy versus systemic therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain: A prospective randomized study – Abdullah Osman Kocak MD – The American Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 37, Issue 11, November 2019, Pages 2061-2065​

5. Comparison of intradermal mesotherapy with systemic therapy in the treatment of low back pain: A prospective randomized study – Ilker Akbas 1, Abdullah Osman Kocak 2, Meryem Betos Kocak 3, Zeynep Cakir – The American Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 38, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages 1431-1435​

6. Mesotherapy – The french connection – G Sivagnanam – J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2010 Jan-Jun; 1(1): 4–8​

7. Efficacy of trigger points mesotherapy for the treatment of chronic neck pain: a short term retrospective study – Teresa Paolucci*1, Giulia Piccinini1, Pompilu Dan Trifan2, Federico Zangrando1 and Vincenzo Maria Saraceni – International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Volume 2 (2016), Article ID 2:IJPTR-113, 5 pages​

8. Evidence based recommendations on mesotherapy: an update from the Italian society of Mesotherapy – Mammucari 1, D Russo 2, E Maggiori 1, T Paolucci 3, R Di Marzo 4, S Brauneis 5, B Bifarini 6, G Ronconi 7, P E Ferrara 7, F Gori 6, R D Mediati 8, R Vellucci 8, A Migliore 9, S Natoli – la clinica terapeutica 2021 Jan-Feb;171(1):e37-e45​

9.Photos : Comment éviter le passage d’une lombalgie à la chronicité Intérêt de la Mésothérapie; Dr Dragan MILJKOVIC Nogent sur Marne DIU de Mésothérapie de Paris 12° congrès national SOFMMOO Paris, 13 octobre 2018​

Qu’est ce que la mésothérapie, comment est-elle pratiquée et quels sont ses avantages/inconvénients ?
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